Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is there a power of prayer?

I have read several blogs lately... and heard stories from others... about how powerful prayer is.

A baby born in critical condition.... doctors don't think she'll make it through the night.... is going home from the hospital at 21 days old. Her mom thanks others profusely for all of their prayers.

Another blogger asks for prayers for guidance with a project. The project goes well (it's a big thing.. not just making a diarama or something). She thanks her readers for their prayers.

Someone having difficulty parenting...asking for prayers.

The next having trouble with marriage... asking for prayers.

I go to church and there is an entire binder full of prayer requests... pray for healing... pray for strength... pray for guidance... pray that so-and-so will find Jesus.... pray for more time... pray for the family....

Now, don't get me wrong... I DO pray... and I ask for prayer... and I have believed that prayer works.

But I have been quite contemplative lately (as I normally am this time of the year.. with Pop's and Lilly's angelversaries coming up). And I was thinking about how God has a plan. He knows how our lives are going to end before they even begin. He knows who will die before birth, and who will live to be 87. He knows exactly which steps we will take and what paths we will follow, before WE even know the choices exist.

So if that is the case... if God is all knowing... and if He sees our entire life laid out before him. How would praying change that? If God knew that baby was going to be born in critical condition, fight for her life, and go home happy and healthy at 21 days old before she was even born.... then how did prayer do anything?

I don't think God says, "OK, let's create a problem and see if these folks have enough prayer power to fix it. If they don't then oh well... but if they do then I'll perform a miracle."

I'm sure the Devil has a hand in it too. But, then that confuses me too... because if the Devil caused the problem... God still knew about it before hand.

I believe that the Devil is evil at it's purest. And I believe that God is truly saddened when His children choose to follow the Devil, and make choices for the Devil. And I wonder if God can do something... but chooses not to because we need to learn our own lessons.

But that's a whole different topic, isn't it?

Back to the power of prayer. What do you think? Why is it that sometimes hundreds of people pray for someone to be healed...and they are. Yet other times, hundreds of people pray for healing and the person dies anyway.

I don't think it's a "if you've accepted Jesus as your Savior then prayer works". Because I believe that God loves us just as we are...and right WHERE we are in our journey with Him. And I don't think He picks and chooses which prayers He's going to answer.

I wish more people read this blog... so I could get more responses. I'm really curious what people think about this.

1 comment:

christina said...

i heard once that prayer changes OUR hearts, not the heart of God. Prayer is simply our conversation with Him. I think WE have made prayer to be ONLY petitions and bringing our NEEDS and not about sharing time, feelings, hurts, struggles, joys, memories. Because if it's really a RELATIONSHIP, then we would spend time in union with Him..sharing all that we are. Not just asking for things as if He were a magician.

I found you after doing a search with "waiting with gabriel." I lost my daughter last oct. to Trisomy 18.

I think the power in prayer is that it opens up our hearts to being broken enough to realize we are in need of a savior and being united with His suffering as well as the glory that comes after humble obedience. At least, that's what this grief journey has brought me to so far.

I have also had those thoughts..that if God knows the outcome, why would we ask for anything? I think it's a grace to just talk to Him...i mean, how can our tiny minds begin to comprehend that we GET to call God our own? And God is still God even when that baby dies. God is still GOOD too. No matter the outcome. We are the one's who change thru prayer. Not the prayer outcome.

i'm rambling. i know. i'm sorry. I don't share all this to convict any hearts. I just noted your last few lines..that you wished more read this, to share out thoughts. :)
