Wednesday, March 4, 2009


There was a guest speaker at church today... for Mom's group. We were told the topic was how to live happily.... using tips from this mom who finally figured it out after 20 years.

Her main point (which she reiterated several times) was that the most important thing you can do is read the Bible every day. She said that you should get to know the word of God so that you will be armed if you ever have to DEFEND the word of God.

I honestly think that the most importnat thing I can do for my child is to spend time with him. If we read the Bible, great. If he learns about God, wonderful. But if he learns that I love him unconditionally and that I think he is an amazing child and I am so SO lucky to have him... then I think THAT is better than reading the Bible.

I talked with another mom afterwards and she said that she doesn't feel she will ever get to the level of understanding God that the speaker is at.

But I think that is OK. I think God meets us right where we are... and I don't think He would chastise us for not being as God fearing as others. I think He loves us unconditionally... just like we love our own children.

I admit, I don't know the Bible well. And there are times I wish I knew it better... but I think that it is more important at this point in my life to know my husband and my son. I feel it is important to spend time as a family... to build those bonds.... to grow in God's love, by sharing our love.

1 comment:

Ter said...

I agree, that love within your family circle is really where it all starts.